Sunday, 16 February 2014

Stator Winding Machine in India

The stator winding machine is the stationary part of a rotary system, found in electric generators, electric motors, sirens, or biological rotors. Synthesisindia provide high quality stator winding machine in India. In a turbine, the stator element contains blades or ports used to redirect the flow of fluid. Such devices include the steam turbine and the torque converter. 

Stator Winding Machine

Synthesisindia is a Bangalore based company, offering stator winding machine. Synthesisindia has maximum technical and economical performance when manufacturing products which comply with highest quality demands. In a mechanical siren, the stator contains one or more rows of holes that admit air into the rotor; by controlling the flow of air through the holes, the sound of the siren can be altered.

1 comment:

  1. I gone through your blog. Its really good.very useful information..Thanks for sharing this.see my products also Stator Winding Machine


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